Business Value Chain

Value Chain Process Stakeholders
Land acquisition
  • Purchase land with potential for project development and carefully check purchase documents.
  • Employees
  • Land owners
Project design
  • Project feasibility study.
  • Project design and selection of quality materials.
  • Apply for construction permits from relevant agencies.
  • Employees
  • Suppliers
  • Government agencies
Financing and Procurement
  • Apply feasibility study.
  • Project design and selection of quality materials.
  • Apply for construction permits from relevant agencies.
  • Employees
  • Suppliers
  • financial institution
Sale and marketing
  • Provide correct and clear information
  • Protect customer confidentiality
  • Organize sales promotion and marketing activities
  • Customers
  • Employees
  • Suppliers
  • Construction quality control.
  • Optimal use of resources.
  • Problem solving.
  • Strict compliance with the law and EIA
  • Prevent environmental impacts on surrounding communities.
  • Employees
  • Suppliers
  • Communities
  • Government agencies
Delivery and transfer of ownership
  • Inspection and correction.
  • Properly handle ownership transfer documents and manuals.
  • Customers
  • Employees
  • Government agencies
after-sales services
  • Set up manage property juristic person
  • build relationship with customers.
  • Handle complaints, provide quick and quality repairs.
  • Homeowners
  • Employees

Stakeholder Analysis in Business Value Chain

Stakeholder Expectation Response
  • Good corporate governance.
  • The Company has continued to grow.
  • Information disclosed honestly and transparently.
  • Implement corporate governance.
  • Equitable treatment of shareholders.
  • Disclose information to shareholders accurately, adequately, and in a timely manner.
  • Return on investment.
  • Career advancement and stability, good welfare, and reasonable compensation.
  • Fair treatment.
  • Continuous knowledge development.
  • Growing alongside the Company.
  • Vision and policies.
  • Develop a career advancement plan.
  • Improve compensation and benefits.
  • Develop a training plan for employees at all levels.
  • Quality products/services.
  • Fast and on time after-sales services.
  • Respect for the rights of consumers.
  • Put a quality control system in place.
  • Set up mechanisms to receive repair requests and complaints from customers.
  • The Company and employees safeguard customer confidentiality.
  • Effective communication process.
  • Clear criteria for procurement selection.
  • Fair procurement and equitable treatment.
  • Set appropriate tendering procedures.
  • Fair/equitable treatment of suppliers.
  • Set up communication channels for contact with new suppliers or to receive complaints.
Financial Institutions
  • Accurate and reliable information.
  • Confidence in investment and lending.
Government Agencies and Regulators
  • Compliance with laws/regulations as required by regulators.
  • Comply with laws and regulations.
  • Corporate governance in competition.
  • Maintaining business etiquette.
  • Set a competitor treatment policy.
  • Support for communities and society.
  • Social and environmental responsibilities, minimize impacts on health and safety.
  • Set a community, social, and environmental responsibility policy.
  • Create channels/methods for receiving complaints from communities.
  • Develop communities around projects.