Sustainability Management in The Societal Aspect

Social Policies and Guidelines

The Company operates business by adhering and prioritizing duties and responsibilities to society and stakeholders such as shareholders, customers, partners, employees, communities and surrounding society to create determination in business operations and have determination to be a good role model business for society with ethics and principles of good corporate governance, and to provide benefits for society, environment and sustainable development. To achieve that goal, the Company therefore establishes policies of corporate governance and business code of conducts, and sets policies for corporate social responsibility and guideline as follows:

  1. Corporate Governance
  2. Conducting Business with Fairness
  3. Respect for Human Rights and Fair Treatment of Workers
  4. Responsibility to Customers and Consumers
  5. Community and Social Development
  6. Environmental Care
  7. Innovation and Dissemination of Innovation from Social Responsibility Operations
  8. CSR Reporting

Social Performance

Corporate Governance

The Company has established a transparent, equal, and fair management system in accordance with the principles of corporate governance to build trust and confidence among shareholders, investors, stakeholders and all related parties.

The Company follows the Corporate Governance Guidelines under the principles of Good Corporate Governance for listed companies as determined by the Stock Exchange of Thailand in 5 categories: shareholder’s rights, shareholder equal treatment, the role of stakeholders, disclosure and transparency, and the board of company directors’ responsibility.

Conducting business with fairness

The Company adheres to conducting business with fairness guidelines that create confidence among those who are involved which will benefit the Company in the long term.

  1. Avoid actions that may cause conflicts of advantage or if a conflict of advantage was found, there should be a fair mediation process and complete disclosure of important information.
  2. Promote free trade competition and avoid cronyism or co-conspiring.
  3. Do not support actions that are and infringement of intellectual property or copyright
  4. Set up a management system that can quickly prevent and detect bribery and corruption, including an effective problem-solving process along with providing fairness if it happened.
  5. Promote directors, executives and employees to concern about the importance of anti-corruption, extortion and all kinds of bribery.
Respect for human rights and fair treatment of workers
  1. Support and respect protecting human rights by regularly monitoring that your business is not involved in human rights violations.
  2. Promote monitoring of compliance with human rights requirements within your business and encourage compliance with human rights principles according to international standards. The business’s responsibility for human rights also covers its affiliated companies, joint venture partner, and partner.
  3. The Company will treat its personnel equally, without discrimination based on birthplace, race, gender, age, skin color, religion, physical fitness, status, family, education, or any other status not directly related to the performance of duties.
  4. The Company give an opportunity to all personnel to show their full abilities by providing appropriate rewards and creating motivation in form of salary, bonus and company’s regulation appropriate operating expenses. The Company also gives opportunities to personnel to study further at higher education and long-term and short-term training.
  5. All company personnel must perform duty with the best of their ability, honesty, fair, and adhering with morality. They must not assign their duties to any one person directly or indirectly unless it is necessary, or does not require one’s specific abilities for convenience and speed in work.
  6. The Company’s personnel must adhere to the chain of command, accepting orders and taking responsibility directly to their superiors and not stepping over the chain of command if it is not necessary. Avoid criticizing superiors and colleagues, as this may cause damage to them or to the company. However, personnel of the company will listen to the comments of the subordinates and colleagues in good faith and without prejudice.  
  7. The Company personnel are able to fully use company’s resources, labor, locations and facilities on duty. However, using resources, labor, locations, and facilities for anything other than the performance or entitled welfare is prohibited.
  8. The Company personnel must have polite manners, dress appropriately, and behave properly with their duties and local customs without causing damage to the Company’s image.
  9. The Company’s personnel may use their titles and positions to raise money for the charity organized by the company, but the use of titles and positions to solicit private funds for any purposes is prohibited.
  10. The Company’s personnel should cooperate in activities organized by the company to create unity and help each other, as well as the company’s CSR activities.
  11. The Company’s personnel are prohibited from acting in a manner that causes troubles, annoyance, and discouragement to others, causing enmity or disturbing operations, whether to personnel of the company or third parties who come to contact the business. This includes sexual harassment, courtship, abuse, obscenity, both verbal and touching, and possession of photography.

The Rom Pho Property Company Limited, a publicly listed company, recognizes the importance of conducting business with integrity, social responsibility, and adherence to good corporate governance principles and business ethics. The company has established a policy against corruption, particularly in preventing the provision of benefits to government officials. The objective is to ensure that the company's personnel adhere steadfastly to ethical practices. This is aimed at controlling and managing internal operations to prevent the provision of benefits for business purposes and to maintain transparent and lawful work practices.

The company places a strong emphasis on combating corruption in all forms, focusing on promoting morality, instilling awareness, and upholding the correct values in the workplace. The company has set guidelines for anti-corruption measures and communicates them to the board of directors, executives, and employees to create awareness, understanding, and strict adherence to these principles


The procurement practices adhere to transparency, fairness, and non-discrimination

The company emphasizes transparent, fair, and non-discriminatory procurement practices. This includes having guidelines for selecting suitable and ethical business partners. The company follows a competitive selection process based on equal information, assessing potential partners for their capabilities, providing quality standards, timely delivery of goods and services, compliance with labor and human rights laws, and ensuring the appropriate and fair preparation of contracts. The company monitors the fulfillment of contract conditions to prevent corruption at every stage of the procurement process. Additionally, the company stores partner information responsibly and refrains from using it for unauthorized purposes.

Dealing with creditors

The company follows a practice focused on building confidence with creditors, emphasizing integrity and adherence to terms, conditions, contracts, and financial commitments rigorously. This includes timely and accurate repayment of loans and interest, ensuring that borrowed funds are used for their intended purposes. In cases where compliance with any conditions is challenging, the company promptly informs the creditor to collaboratively explore solutions. Additionally, the company does not conceal information or facts that may cause harm to its creditors.

Dealing with business competitors

The company has a practice in dealing with business competitors that promotes fair competition, avoiding collusion or conspiracies. It refrains from seeking confidential information about competitors through inappropriate means, such as paying competitors' employees for sensitive information. The company also avoids damaging the reputation of competitors by making false accusations. In the year 2023, there were no disputes or legal actions between the company and its subsidiaries against any business competitors.

Employees and Labor Relations

Personnel is considered the most crucial resource in driving continuous business growth and operations. The company, therefore, has a human resource management system aimed at fostering and developing a positive work environment. There is a significant emphasis on employee development, aiming for both personal and professional growth. This approach is considered vital in propelling the organization towards its goals and ensuring sustainable success

Recruitment and Hiring

The company adheres to a practice of hiring employees based on qualifications suitable for the organization and the position, without discriminating based on similarities or differences in any aspect of individual diversity, such as age, gender, ethnicity, skin color, religion, physical ability, socioeconomic status, or educational background

In the year 2023, the company hired a total of 100 employees, with 57 males and 43 females. Within this workforce, there were foreign employees from Russia (2), China (1), and the Philippines (3). The company also hired one person with disabilities, in compliance with the Disabled Persons Quality of Life Promotion Act of 2007, constituting approximately 0.01% of the total workforce, demonstrating diversity across various dimensions.

The number of employees
The Number of Employee Resignation
(Year of Service)

Employee Development

The Company prioritizes the knowledge, ability, and potential development of employee continuously at all levels to suit their job positions to meet business needs and prepare to support business expansion. The Company is therefore committed to developing personnel in every profession at every level by combining skill, knowledge, and ability development, and cultivating organizational culture and ethics together to match with the strategies and guidelines for business operations of the company group.

In 2023, The Company set goals for personnel development which assigns the total number of external training courses for at least 17 courses. The main objective is to promote and develop knowledge, experience, skill, and expertise in working (Upskills & Reskills), as well as raising awareness and having new attitudes that are necessary for personnel at all levels to work in the present to support business operation and organizational strategy, and promoting career development that will increase employee engagement level which results in dedication and care in working to achieve the joint organization success together. There are various practices including:

In 2023, the Company has organized 17 training courses for employees as follows:

Trained employees
Number of the training hours
Average number of training hours (hour/person/year)

Compensation and benefits

The Company gives importance to compensation in the form of salary. The salary structure is determined to be suitable for the labor market in the same type of business. The group of companies will consider salary based on the employee’s potential, responsibilities, knowledge, and abilities in each job position. In addition, the group of companies has set up a consideration of increasing the annual salary rate and bonus for employees based on their annual performance and the Company’s operating result by setting up a clear evaluation system and performance indicator for new employees to ensure fairness to all of them.

Moreover, the Company has provided appropriate and fair welfare for all employees at all levels to support them both short and long-term as follows:

It will be given to employees at all levels. Employee will receive rights and benefits according to the insurance policy as determined by company for each job position.

Employees are able to apply the company’s provident fund after working for 1 year on a voluntary basis.

To promote good health, employees who have worked for more than 1 year are able to receive health check-up services as company provided every year.

The Company group provides uniform to employees every year considering uniforms that are suitable for work.

The Company will provide financial assistance to express condolence to the loss of employee’s family.

Employees who have worked continuously for 1 year are entitled 5 days to leave for their wedding ceremony without loss of wage.

Employees can take leave for cremation of their father, mother, husband, wife, and legitimate children for 5 days without loss of wage.

The Company organizes an annual party to build relationship between employees and allow them to relax from work.

Furthermore, the Company has organized the welfare committee election elected by employees. The welfare committee will be the representative of employees in expressing their opinions on welfare policies and taking care of employees’ wellbeing.

The Company values and respects employees’ privacy, and does not disclose their personal information to outsiders or unrelated to the Company, unless it is an information that must be disclosed according to the provision of law. The Company also takes care of employees through channels of accessing important information such as giving information and benefit notifications directly to employees via personnel E-mail company, and the Company website

Occupational Safety, Health, and Environmental Conditions in the Workplace

The company prioritizes safety and occupational health by fostering a safety culture within the organization. It continually improves the working environment to ensure safety and convenience during operations, promoting the well-being of employees. The company adheres to relevant laws and regulations concerning safety. Additionally, there is communication and awareness campaigns among employees to ensure compliance with safety measures, especially during extended holidays and festivals, to prevent potential risks to both property and lives. The company has established practices as follows

  • Turning off lights, air conditioning, and unplugging electrical devices inside the office when not in use. Closing doors and windows to maintain security.
  • Employing security personnel to ensure safety and surveillance within the office 24 hours a day.
  • Installing closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras inside the office for monitoring purposes.

Construction Site Safety Practices

The construction of a project can potentially lead to accidents due to construction activities and lack of precautionary measures. The construction work may pose risks of accidents and injuries. Therefore, it is essential for the project to carefully select contractors who prioritize safety management and implement measures to prevent various impacts. This includes regularly assessing and monitoring construction areas to control and supervise the work closely, ensuring the safety of construction workers

Nevertheless, safety measures have been established within the construction project area to prevent adverse impacts.

  • Installing Metal Sheet fences around the construction project and putting up signs prohibiting unauthorized individuals from entering the construction site. Additionally, closely monitoring to prevent the placement of construction materials outside the project's fence.
  • Inspecting the condition of machinery before putting them into operation to prevent accidents.
  • Monitoring and supervising the use of electricity, and ensuring the availability of necessary firefighting equipment.
  • Providing adequate lighting during nighttime in and around the construction site.
  • Ensuring insurance coverage for liability as required by law.

Measures for occupational health, safety, and environmental care in the workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic typically include

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, despite the situation easing in the year 2022, the company remains vigilant about the safety of its employees. Various measures have been implemented to control the spread of the virus, including regular cleaning and disinfection of office buildings. Employees and visitors undergo temperature screening, and there is a provision of hand sanitizers, including the availability of alcohol-based sanitizers for hand hygiene before entering the office.

Moreover, the company has adopted a cautious approach by allowing employees with potential risks to work from home, reducing the risk of transmission within the office premises and during commuting. Online meetings have been introduced as an alternative to in-person gatherings, minimizing the physical presence of employees in meeting rooms.

These measures aim to ensure a safe working environment, emphasizing cleanliness, hygiene, and social distancing, even as the overall situation of the pandemic improves. The company continues to prioritize the well-being of its workforce and takes proactive steps to mitigate the potential risks associated with COVID-19.

Employee engagement

For the employee satisfaction assessment in the year 2566, the company conducted evaluations based on the statistics of employee resignations and surveys to identify the reasons for employee turnover. This was done to assess the number of dissatisfied employees and understand the factors contributing to their decision to leave the company.

Total number of employees
Voluntary resignations during the year
Number of employees who resigned due to dissatisfaction
Resignation rate
Environmental Care

The Company cares about the safety and health of its employees and the communities surrounding its business establishment. It strives to promote and instill consciousness about quality, safety, occupational health, and the environment as a way of life in its employees for the benefit of everyone, including the community and society as a whole. The Company promotes the appropriate use of resources and the reduction of wasteful use.

  1. The Company regards safety as an important issue and has set requirements and standards for safety quality, occupational health, and the environment no lower than the those required by laws in accordance with international standards. Personnel of the company must study and comply strictly with laws, policies, regulations and standards of safety quality, occupational health, and the environment.
  2. The Company will take actions to control and prevent damage in various forms due to accidents, fire, injury or illness in the workplace, property loss or damage, violation of security systems, improper operations, and errors, as well as maintaining a safe working environment for the company’s personnel and organizing security plan drills on a regular basis. It is considered a duty and responsibility of executives and staff to report accidents according to predefined procedures.
  3. The Company has set a plan to control and prevent emergencies in all operating areas. It has an emergency and crisis management plan in order to prepare for various emergencies that may occur, such as fire and chemical or waste leakage, and other crises that may cause business interruption and damage the reputation and image of the company.
  4. The Company will provide public relations and media to build knowledge and understanding and disseminate information to its employees and stakeholders in order for them to understand the rules, regulations, procedures, practices, and precautions related to safety quality, occupational health, and the environment and perform duties correctly without causing any harm to health, property, and the environment.
  5. The Company is committed to contributing to social responsibility in terms of safety quality, occupational health, and the environment and the use of natural resources for the maximum benefit. It recognizes the importance of the environment and the safety of stakeholders and promotes social activities to protect the environment and improve the quality of life of people in the community according to sustainable development principles.
  6. If any work is not safe or may not comply with the requirements and standards of the safety quality, occupational health, and the environment or it is found that the operation has serious environmental impact, the Company’s employees shall stop working temporarily to inform co-workers, superiors, and responsible agencies to solve problems or prepare a corrective plan. Do not continue working.

Safety statistics for 2023

Accident rate
Rate of employee injured from work
Rate of day off due to work injury
Rate of employee’s absent from work injury
Number of deaths from work
Responsibility to Customers and Consumers

The company cares about the highest satisfaction of customers who buy products and services from the company, as well as consumers who use the products and services produced by the company.

  1. The Company is committed to developing a complete range of products and services, as well as fast and quality services to continuously meet the needs of customers and consumers. Personnel of the company must be fully dedicated to meeting the needs of customers and consumers with a reasonable price, keeping up with the situation, and not limiting consumer rights and setting fair conditions for consumers.
  2. The Company must not commit any acts to deceive or mislead consumers about the quality of its products and services.
  3. The Company is committed to developing product and service safety. The safety of consumers is of paramount importance. The Company has installed warning signs and conducted a safety inspection in the workplace and organized campaigns and training on consumer safety for employees continuously.

The Company aims to organize and launch real estate projects according to the Company’s vision: “We are committed to creating communities that live harmony with the tourist industry” in order to meet the needs and satisfaction of customers and consumers. Therefore, the Company places importance on quality, including quality products in construction work, quality, and standard material. Since the Company’s products are residences which are an important factor for living, the products must be high quality, value, and safety.

The Company therefore prioritizes after-sale services and carefully monitors customers. In addition, the Company also organizes activities to strengthen relationships with customers and residents through activities as follows:

Community and Social Development

As the Company operates in a society and is inseparable from the society, it has a responsibility to develop and give back to the community and society. The Company regards it as its duty and core policy to give importance to community and social activities that focus on community and social development, religious continuity, and natural resource creation and conservation, as well as providing education support for youth and supporting public charitable activities for disadvantaged communities to help them become strong and self-reliant communities.

  1. The Company strives to provide understanding and communicate with the society about the status and facts of the company’s operations, its responsibility to the community and society, and its responsibility to the environment, without concealing information that can be disclosed, and provides information to investors, shareholders, and interested parties in a timely manner.
  2. The Company is committed to contributing to social responsibility in terms of quality, safety, occupational health, and the environment in the use of natural resources for maximum benefits. It recognizes the importance of the environment and safety of the stakeholders involved and promotes social activities to protect the environment and improve the quality of life of people in the community according to sustainable development principles.
  3. The Company will consider options to utilize natural resources to minimize the impact and damage to society, the environment, and quality of life of people, while promoting the reduction of energy and resource consumption.  
  4. The Company continuously instills consciousness about social and environmental responsibility in employees and gives priority to making transactions with suppliers that have the same intention as the company in terms of social and environmental responsibility. It aims to be a leader in promoting the efficient use and conservation of energy for future generations.
  5. The Company will give back a portion of profit to activities that contribute to society and the environment on a regular basis. Activities must be appropriate and benefit the community, society, and environment. In the case of donations, the recipient information will be checked to ensure that the donation will be used for charity efficiently and effectively. Documentation for every donation will be collected as evidence.

CSR activities : Donating Winter Clothes for Kids on Children's Day 2023

Rompho Property Public Company Limited donated winter clothes for kids who live in remoted area in Korsota Village, Tumbon Maechan and Maelamungkee Village, Tumbon Maelamung, Amphur Umphang, Tak Province due to Children's Day 2023

Innovation and Dissemination of Innovation from Social Responsibility Operations

The Company has applied the concept of social responsibility and created business innovations to benefit and improve competitiveness in business and society.

  1. Examine all processes of ongoing business to determine whether and how they pose a risk or negatively impact society and the environment and provide solutions to mitigate such impact. Thoroughly study and analyze work processes to create opportunities for business innovation development.
  2. Publicize social and environmental innovations that have been developed to encourage other businesses and entrepreneurs to do the same.
  3. Analyze solutions to problems and develop innovations continually to create opportunities for new product development and growth while striving for sustainable business profits.
CSR Reporting

The Company has applied the concept of social responsibility and created business innovations to benefit and improve competitiveness in business and society.

  1. Examine all processes of ongoing business to determine whether and how they pose a risk or negatively impact society and the environment and provide solutions to mitigate such impact. Thoroughly study and analyze work processes to create opportunities for business innovation development.
  2. Publicize social and environmental innovations that have been developed to encourage other businesses and entrepreneurs to do the same.
  3. Analyze solutions to problems and develop innovations continually to create opportunities for new product development and growth while striving for sustainable business profits.